Letter of thanks
Dear Mr Yu, and Dear all KTK Group management team.
We would like once more, on behalf of Group 2, to thank you for your invitation to discover the head office and some factories of KTK group; but also the history and culture of China.
We have spent an amazing week :
First, we were honoured by the great and generous hospitality demonstrated by yourself, your family and KTK management team. This warm welcome was beyond our expectations. Thank you for having opened the doors of your different production sites, and taken the time to explain to us the specificities and capabilities of the various visited sites.
Also the delicious meals shared together were warm, friendly and uplifting.
Then, during the several visits of exceptional sites, we discovered your country from a cultural and historical point of view. The beauty of its landscape and the various architecture amazed us all. We also found out how friendly local people are.
So with this introduction trip, we are significantly honoured to be part of such a large and influential industrial group. Your factories are huge and impressive and we think we are going to make a nice team together in order to conquer the railway interior market in the world.
Finally, we were very well welcomed and everything was perfect. We thank you another time for investing in us, for trusting; we are ready to take on new challenges with you.
A new step of collaboration is beginning !!!!
Best regards.
Group n°2 : Monique BERINCHY – Naima SELLAMI – Virginie GAMACHE – Sonia NEGGAR – Tania LALAMI – Atmane BAROUDI – Djelloul BENSALEM – Laurent CAPPY – Fabien CHALMANDRIER – Jean-Luc CHERVET – Xavier CHOPLIN – Eric LEROY – Jean-Pierre MARMEISSE – Jean-Louis MERLE – Hervé MICHALON – Mehdi MIMOUN – Philippe MOULIN – Tony PANARISI – Antoine PATOUILLARD – Laurent QUIBLIER – Xavier ROBERT – Christian TAVERNIER – Basseme TOUMI – Emmanuel VALQUE